I have averaged values across a number of non-contiguous discrete cells in a row using the average function, which conveniently ignores blank cells. These cells are computed by array formulas and so many of them contain "" (generated by an iferror). There are many intervening cells containing other kinds of unrelated data so I'm unable to use column ranges. The average calculation is done via:


which works just fine. I also want to count how many non-blank cells were present. However the COUNTA function does not ignore the "" values, so this returns the total number of cells present:


The various solutions for overcoming this problem, like using COUNTIF and SUMPRODUCT only work on cell ranges. How can I easily do this without having a count formula for each cell individually?

Any formula used will be auto-propagated down many many rows in a sheet.

1 Answer 1


Use SUMPRODUCT with CHOOSE to return the array:

  • do all the "blanks" contain a formula that returns the empty string? Commented Oct 29, 2020 at 18:09
  • Then it should work. Maybe it needs to use Ctrl-Shift-Enter to force the array. I tested on Office 365 which not longer requires it. Commented Oct 29, 2020 at 18:12
  • Yes: That was it. As the cells are generated by an array formula, this cell needs the cntrl-shift-enter! Magic Commented Oct 29, 2020 at 18:14
  • look at the data. this only works on cells that are equal to "" . True blanks register as 0 not "" Commented Oct 29, 2020 at 18:20

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