I'm using nano to view large data sets (I pipe them into nano by running ...some process that produces hundreds of rows of stdout | nano -).

I like this interface, but wish to freeze the top-most line of text (which I would like to serve as a header of sorts) as I scroll down through the hundreds of lines of output.

I've looked everywhere, but mostly get hits from folks asking the same question about the Excel spreadsheet app...

Does anyone have any ideas?

1 Answer 1


Open two instances of nano and leave one set to the header. Overlap with the header in background. To be a bit more elegant, open the header instance read-only with the --view command-line option.

Another option is to use the --smarthome option to jump back to the header, but I knopw of no way to keep disparate sections in view in one instance.

  • Interesting idea...alternatively (wrt said --smarthome mention), my version of nano (2.2.6) allows me to jump back to said header with a simple Alt-\ keypress.
    – Digger
    Commented Oct 27, 2020 at 19:42
  • Yes, but that was mentioned second because it doesn't keep the header open. Commented Oct 27, 2020 at 21:55

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