I need to connect to a remote server and the data they give me to do so is:

A web server name, a public IP, a private IP and a myUserName.pem cert.

To connect to the server I do:

ssh -v myUserName@publicIP


ssh -v -i /home/myUserName/.ssh/myUserName.pem myUserName@publicIP

but I always get a time-out error.

I check the vpn:

nmcli c show --active | grep vpn

I check the port 22:

 sudo lsof -i:22

The state of ssh:

sudo service ssh status

All this works well.

I try a different port adding -p 443 to the ssh lines but I keep getting the error.

So I try the IPs with:

traceroute -e 

and with the two IPs I get asterisks/stars at the end.

I check:

sudo ufw status 

And shows inactive.

The rest of the people who try to access this server do it without any problem, so I understand that it is a problem in the code I use or in my Internet connection configuration. But I don't know how I should keep checking things out to be able to connect to this server. Any idea can help me a lot.

I'm using Ubuntu 20.04

Thank you very much!

  • Sounds like the firewall doesn't allow you to get in - check that you are able to connect via nc <host> 22. If not, fix your firewall / VPN connection. Commented Aug 26, 2020 at 4:04

1 Answer 1


Not sure on this one, but here are some ideas:

Connectivity should be OK, else you would get a "no route to host" ssh -v (known bad ip address)

Validate the SSH protocol version you're running vs the remote system ssh -v localhost then ssh -v (remote system)

If your sure the protocol is OK, next check the keys. Move the keys to a new location and see if it prompts you for a key.

  • I am so desperate that any idea is welcome, it can be a clue to help the solution so thank you very much!! SSH protocol version is the same and although I change the keys there's no prompt for them. It times out before anything. Commented Aug 25, 2020 at 14:36

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