I need to renew SSL certificate for the first time. I do not have original CSR, but I do have certificate.crt/private.key pair. The system told me I need to specify the same data in CSR to be accepted. It would be nice to also generate new private_new.key in the process.

How can I generate new csr.csr/private_new.key pair using OpenSSL command line utility?

The server in question is webserver/apache2 hosted on VPS

  • This feels a bit light on details. You may wish edit your question and add what software you're using (e.g. webserver, any Let's Encrypt software, etc.) and who the certificate is being issued through. Commented Aug 15, 2020 at 9:20
  • @Anaksunaman Sorry for that, I thought CSR are specific to webservers. The certificate is issued to my own organization
    – PiotrK
    Commented Aug 15, 2020 at 9:52
  • @PiotrK CSRs are a certificate's request to be signed [Certificate Signing Request].
    – JW0914
    Commented Aug 15, 2020 at 10:46
  • @JW0914 Yes, I know - does that affect my question somehow?
    – PiotrK
    Commented Aug 15, 2020 at 11:06
  • @PiotrK No, it was mentioned because of your prior comment - a CSR is required for any certificate that needs to be digitally signed, not just a webserver's (such as certs for a signed CA, an ICA, VPN client, code signing, etc., as any cert needing to be digitally signed needs a CSR in order to be signed)
    – JW0914
    Commented Aug 15, 2020 at 12:26

1 Answer 1


To generate a new key and CSR:

openssl req -out 'apache.csr' -new -sha512 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout 'apache.key.pem' -nodes
  1. The above assumes you have a working openssl.cnf, but if you do not, use this one and modify the V3 and SAN profiles below (to make this simpler, leave the sophos name as is):
                     ##----- SAN Profile -----##
      # Lines 189 - 193
        # IP.1:  If it has a static IP, set it here, else change to
                 # and delete IP.2
        # IP.2:  If it has more than one static IP, set it in IP.2, etc;
                 # If the webserver can be accessed via SSH, must
                 # remain but can be in IP.3, IP.4, etc. if other IPs exist
        # DNS.1: If it has an FQDN, set it
        # DNS.2: If it has more than one FQDN, and/or a local domain name,
                 # set it in DNS.2, etc., else remove DNS.2
        # If your cert requires OIDs to be specified, you'd specify each
          # in the same fashion as below, adding a line below DNS.2 for
          # either RID.1 or otherName.1 (see lines 159 - 161)
    [ alt_sophos ]
    IP.1                    =
    IP.2                    =
    DNS.1                   = your.fqdn.com
    DNS.2                   = UTM.WRT
                      ##----- V3 Profile -----##
      # Lines 331 - 337
        # DO NOT change anything unless you know with 100% certainty one
        # of these parameters needs to be changed
    [ v3_sophos ]
    basicConstraints        = critical, CA:FALSE
    subjectKeyIdentifier    = hash
    authorityKeyIdentifier  = keyid:always, issuer:always
    keyUsage                = critical, nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, keyAgreement
    extendedKeyUsage        = critical, serverAuth
    subjectAltName          = @alt_sophos
  2. Create the required files and directories in the directory you will be working in:
    # openssl can error out if these don't exist since they're in the openssl.cnf
      # Create openssl.cnf required directories:
        mkdir -p ~/ssltemp/ca ; cd ssltemp ; mkdir cert ; mkdir crl
      # Create openssl.cnf required files:
        echo 01 > crl\crlnumber ; echo 00 > serial ; echo > index ; echo > rand
      # Copy openssl.cnf from ~
        cp ~/openssl.cnf .
    Normally the openssl.cnf is located at /etc/openssl/openssl.cnf, however depending on if you have permission to write to that directory, you can place it at ~/openssl.cnf
  3. Create the private key and CSR:
    # This should be done on the server, as the key is not encrypted:
      openssl req -out 'apache.csr' -new -sha512 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout 'apache.key.pem' -config './openssl.cnf' -extensions v3_sophos -nodes
    Do not input the cert's HN, FQDN, or IP into the commonName when it's requested, as none of these belong in the CN per the RFC; instead, name the cert
  4. Cleanup:
    rm -rf ~/ssltemp

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