I'm trying to get a Windows shortcut key to work with a program accessed via the Send to context menu in explorer.

Specifcally, I have installed an explorer extension that allows me to right-click on a file and submit it to VirusTotal. A browser tab opens and the file is uploaded and a report generated. The Send To right-click menu is getting crowded and it takes a while to find the VirusTotal entry, so I want to assign a key binding to perform the task.

I have edited the properties of the VirusTotal shortcut in the SendTo folder:

enter image description here

but nothing happens when I select a candidate file in explorer and press the key combination.

*** Update ***

The main thing I have realised is that when I click on a file in an explorer window and invoke a hot-key, there appears to be no way to advise the filename that was clicked on to the hot-key target. Send To seems to be handled specially - the focused filename is appended to the target for you, so if you specify

"C:\Program Files\Tool.exe"

as the target and you select 2 files in an explorer window and send them to the shortcut, the command line presented to the target is:

"C:\Program Files\Tool.exe" "c:\Some folder\file1.txt" "c:\Some folder\file2.txt"


1 Answer 1


I think the Application is taking the file name as an argument. Edit Target box like:

"VirusTotal.exe full path" %1

Or you can download and use AutoHotKey for this:

^+V::Run VirusTotal.exePath
  • That was the first thing I tried ;-(, but it breaks the "normal" use of right-click/SendTo/VirusTotal. I get "Could not access %1 (2)". I suspect the (2) refers to the error code for file not found. I could get around that by creating another shortcut that is not in the SendTo folder and using that as the target of a hot key. After some more experimenting I'm also suspicious that Ctrl-Shft-V is already used, but Ctrl-Shft-Alt-V isn't working either.
    – rossmcm
    Commented Jul 28, 2020 at 1:22

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