I created a table in Word and added a 2 1/4 pt white border. The table also has shading which was applied to the cells. The table looks fine in Word. However, when I save the document as a PDF, the borders appear in PDF with a small notch, as if a portion of the border does not extend far enough alongside the cell.

Screenshot of PDF output:

enter image description here

I've tried changing the border width, but it makes no difference. With a 3 pt border, I get the same result. All cell margins are the same. "Allow spacing between cells" is NOT checked for any cells.


In Adobe Acrobat, if I go to Edit > Preferences > Page Display > Rendering and uncheck "Enhance thin lines," the effect almost disappears. Almost.

When I print, it's nearly impossible to see the change in border width. This is a report that will be shared electronically, but at least the print version will be acceptable.


2 Answers 2


Apparently the top and bottom margins were responsible for the strange uneven borders. I changed the top and bottom cell margins to 0 and added paragraph spacing instead. The notch at the top disappeared completely.

Acknowledgement: Table Border Challenges Converting Word to PDF


Is there a text box in your document either?

I download your example document, when I adjust the text box bigger, then the issue goes away.

enter image description here

  • Thanks so much for your help. How much bigger did you make it? I gave that a try but I get the same effect. Commented Jul 3, 2020 at 14:18

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