My main target is to create a PP2P VPN server and expose it, without doing port forwarding on router.

I've used this guide to create an usual PP2P VPN server on windows and now I can connect locally to the server.
The problem is that I don't have access to the router so I can't expose it by modifying router's settings.

So, how I can expose my PP2P VPN server to the internet?

What I've tried:
Exposed local port 1723 with ngrok

ngrok tcp 1723

And tried to connect to the url (generated by ngrok) using this guide. But it didn't work.
Also I'm wondering whether exposing the port 43 would help or not (if yes, then I should buy ngrok).

Please help.

1 Answer 1


That won't be enough, because you're only able to expose the control connection – you cannot do anything for the GRE tunnel used for data transfer.

There is no such thing as "the GRE port", because GRE itself is not TCP-based nor UDP-based; it runs directly on top of IP (alongside these two protocols). GRE is only identified by IP-level protocol number '47', similar to how TCP itself has number '6' and UDP is '17'.

(Actually even if you had access to your router, there's very high chance it wouldn't let you configure a port-forwarding for GRE anyway. It's unfortunate but many consumer-grade routers deliberately limit themselves to just TCP and UDP.)

Your goal cannot be achieved with PPTP. Consider using third-party VPN software (most of which is UDP-based and sometimes has TCP support as well).

  • Thanks a lot for the answer. Now I'm wondering, would I have the same/similar issues in case of using L2TP/IPsec instead of PP2P? Commented Mar 14, 2020 at 18:50
  • I'm not entirely sure. Pure IKEv2 might work fine through a NAT, but I seem to remember that Windows' IKEv1 client (the one that's used for "L2TP/IPsec") needs an annoying registry hack in order to enable UDP encapsulation for NAT support. And overall my experience was that literally every possible thing about L2TP/IPsec is a pain in the ass. Commented Mar 14, 2020 at 18:57

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