I usually pay dyn.com for dynamic dns in order to access my home servers (webserver on ubuntu, home assistant, synology, etc...). I now register for my own domain name, say example.com, from namecheap, and want to stop using dyndns.biz. I don't know how I could achieve the same functionality after stopping the dyndns.

My use cases before having my own domain.

  1. http://xxx.dyndns.biz/weewx - to access my weather website hosted on my home server ip 192.x.x.14. The web content is in var/www/html/weewx folder
  2. http://xxx.dyndns.biz:4002 - to access my Calibre ebook hosted on my Synology NAS, local ip 192.x.x.4. I use port forwarding on my pfSense to point it to the right server/port

With my own domain name https://example.com (using let's encrypt ssl): a) I can access my weewx without problem by https://example.com/weewx. The website content is on my same home server, and in var/www/example.com/weewx folder. Apart from weewx folder, I also create other folders for other websites b) To access my Calibre server on my Synology, I don't know how to achieve it; because when I type https://example.com:4002, it won't connect to my Synology server. I understand that because https has to stick to port 443. Before I implement let's encrypt ssl, no problem with port forwarding.

FYI, my web server, 192.x.x.14, is running Ubuntu 18.04/Apache.

Thank you for any suggestion.

  • You'd need to tie your new domain to your IP. If you do have a dynamic IP this is usually not supported. In that case you'd either have to setup your own DynDNS service or host your stuff on a rented server. Alternatively you might be able to get a static IP from your ISP.
    – Seth
    Commented Jan 31, 2020 at 8:03
  • Synology gives you a free *.synology.me domain that works with their built-in dynamic IP client
    – gronostaj
    Commented Jan 31, 2020 at 8:30

1 Answer 1


https has to stick to port 443

No, it really doesn't.

However, your old configuration had plaintext HTTP on port 4002. You generally cannot run HTTPS on the same IP:port as plaintext HTTP (even if it's a different domain name). So make sure that you really changed all relevant settings.

Alternate ports are not disallowed, they are just rare because nobody wants to have to remember the port and type it every time – if you host multiple sites, it's easier to have multiple domain names instead.

(To achieve this with only one IP address, you could configure your home server to host a subdomain such as syno.example.com and configure it as a reverse proxy that forwards requests to the NAS. In this case, the HTTPS certificates would be put on the home server, not on the NAS.)

  • Thanks for suggesting reverse proxy. I got it working. Now all main/subdomains share the same let's encrypt wildcard certificate.
    – bthoven
    Commented Feb 3, 2020 at 0:44

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