I'm having a weird issue with both terminal and iterm, where when I cd into a specific directory (and every subfolder), I have to control+c to 'exit' after every command that I run, and only then can I continue with an actual command (like ls or cd whatever). This happens in any subfolder under the one specific root directory.

I'm not sure what state it puts me in when I have to control+c, it's just an empty line where I can enter text, if I press enter it just goes to the next line. Only way to exit it and continue running commands is to hit control+c, but when I run another command, I have to control+c to exit again. So it gets pretty annoying having to control+c after every single command. It also happens to be the directory with all my work in it, so I use it all the time.

Sorry if that's a terrible/confusing explanation, it's sorta hard to explain what's happening here. Thanks in advance for any help!

also for what it's worth - I'm OSX/zsh/oh-my-zsh/iterm instead of terminal usually

edit - just checked, this same thing happens in the vs code terminal as well...

  • 1
    You mention cmd+c, are you doing this on OSX, or do you mean control+c ? Either way, it sounds like your terminal prompt maybe messed up. Commented Aug 31, 2019 at 18:13
  • whoops you're right, I meant control+c. I am on OSX. will update the question
    – LotaMaster
    Commented Aug 31, 2019 at 18:22

1 Answer 1


I think I figured it out - I had control+c'd/stopped in the middle of a git push earlier, and that might have been when this issue started. because now when I just did a git add *, everything seems to have gone back to normal. I'm guessing that it was still caught up in the middle of the git push or something

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