I have a laptop with which I connect to a monitor at home ad at work. In both cases I use the same HDMI out for connecting the monitor. The one at the lab is 1440p/60hz and the one at home is 1080p/120hz when overclocked (not really, I just use a HDMI 1.4 input instead of DVI dual link).

I there a way for xrandr to detect whether a different monitor model is connected and e.g. disable precautions for the nvidia driver as outlined here? Can I adjust that automatically through scripting/autorandr, or would I need to see myself which one is connected and call the according script?

1 Answer 1


Yes, you can write a bash script to first identify the monitor (via EDID/DDC, examples) and then run xrandr accordingly. You can then probably make a udev rule to automatically run this script on cable plug.

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