How to set NTFS file permission for Wild Card [like *.doc]? Is it possible?

  • SamSol: this is a rather excessive number of questions you're posting all at once. please stop posting new questions, and spread them out over a few days. give people a chance to answer some before asking more. Commented May 31, 2010 at 6:54
  • SamSol: please stop posting so many questions all at once. take a rest for today; you can come back tomorrow. Commented May 31, 2010 at 6:59

1 Answer 1


You can use the cacls command from a command window to change file permissions.

For example, cacls *.doc /P Everyone:F will grant everyone full access to all the *.doc files in the current directory.

cacls filename.ext prints out the current permissions and cacls on it's own gives usage instructions.

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