I am trying to figure out a way of performing a vlookup for a given value. The value I am looking up in correct in its form (six character number). But the values in the column that i am trying to compare it against have some characters following the value that i am looking for. I was trying to figure out a way to implement the LEFT function on the lookup array in either Vlookup or Index/Match, but I havent gotten that to work. Is there any way to perform a lookup to only the left six characters in a column to return the desired information?

1 Answer 1


Use a wild card:

=VLOOKUP(A1 & "*",B:C,2,FALSE)

This will find the first that matches on the left characters.

  • This worked a charm!!! Thank you so much!
    – Ag43
    Commented Aug 8, 2019 at 13:27
  • FWIW, Index/match would work like: =INDEX(C:C,MATCH(A1&"*",B:B,0))
    – JvdV
    Commented Aug 8, 2019 at 14:45

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