I have a chart in Excel from this data

                September-17    March-18    April-18
Division Work       1                   0            0
On-Wing Work        0                   1            1

The chart should have on the Y-axis 0 as a data point and 1 as a data point. However, my Y-axis is showing three zeros and three ones vertically. Chart Shown Here . I have tried manually entering the data and making sure that the data was not rounded, but none of this has made a difference. How can I re-create this bar chart so that there is only a single Y-value for each data point? I am also curious to know why Excel would be doing this?

  • Do you want a bar chart instead?
    – PeterT
    Commented Aug 8, 2018 at 21:11
  • I plan to use columns for Division Work and the line graph for On-Wing Work Commented Aug 8, 2018 at 21:16
  • I think you might actually be getting all of the data plotted. The problem is that with a column chart, there is nothing to see when the value is zero. Can you mock up what you want it to look like (you can use crayons on a napkin just to give us the idea of what you're looking for).
    – fixer1234
    Commented Aug 9, 2018 at 20:58

1 Answer 1


Your axis numbers are rounded. Here's how to fix them

1) Select the Y-axis, right-click and choose "Format Axis..."

enter image description here

2) Under Format Axis, expand the NUMBER options

3) Make sure you have "Number" selected under category and 1 (or more) decimal places

enter image description here

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