I have a drive that for all intents and purposes the EFI partition can be considered gone. It will not boot. I have a recovery parition that has the folders

  • Boot
  • bootmgr
  • EFI
  • sources

Inside sources is a file called boot.wim.

I want to be able to boot to this partition, load boot.wim and reset the computer with a fresh install.

I installed Linux. Afterwards Windows would not boot with and error like "bad system config". It was during toubleshooting that I followed some advice to format the EFI partition. I've tried to reload EFI from the recovery parition and the Windows partition. Neither worked. I just want to load the recovery and start over.

I have a USB that can get me to the recovery console. Is there something in the recovery console I can run to make the recovery drive the boot drive?

When I mount the recovery drive as F inside the recovery console and try to run bcdboot F:\EFI /s V:\ /f UEFI it says "failure when attempting to copy boot files". I can try with any of the directories listed above and it doesn't find the boot files it wants. I can run it with D:\Windows and it runs successfully but it doesn't get me anywhere.

  • No need to use a recovery partition that is potentially months, or years out of date and is potentially loaded with manufacturer junk. Download and create a fresh Windows 10 bootable installation USB drive with the Windows Media Creation Tool. Commented Jun 9, 2018 at 20:18
  • It’s a new computer. It has a hardware switch that loads a custom UEFI menu. I don’t want to loose all that. I just want to boot that image boot.wim.
    – kagronick
    Commented Jun 9, 2018 at 21:29

1 Answer 1


Installing Linux seems to have destroyed your boot environment. Since according to what you say you do have a boot media which works, you could use it to restore the boot environment as follows:

If this didn't fix the problem, next to try is Repair Install.

  • Tried every one of the options on recovery media. None of them help the situation.
    – kagronick
    Commented Jun 9, 2018 at 21:26
  • Added the next step.
    – harrymc
    Commented Jun 9, 2018 at 21:34

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