I use BlueJeans 2.5.2270 for videoconference on Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate.

By default, during a call, the webcam/microphone/screenshare bar hides automatically:

enter image description here

Is there any way to prevent BlueJeans from hiding this bar?

I want to be able to check at any time whether the the webcam/microphone/screenshare is activated, and I don't want to have to mousover onto the BlueJeans window to do so.


1 Answer 1


BlueJeans has recently (end of 2018 / early 2019) introduced the option "always show video and layout controls":

enter image description here

Former solution to go around it, which isn't necessary anymore for recent versions of BlueJeans:

One way around: when the people sidebar is selected, then the webcam/microphone/screenshare bar doesn't hide automatically:

enter image description here

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