Since many many years I'm using two AOC 619fh monitors (they are quite old). I used them mostly together with a docking station with my laptop both were connected via DVI. They worked perfectly over all these years in 1920 x 1080.

However now my laptop broke and I decided to go for a computer again.

I bougth a mid-range computer, here are some of the important specs:

  • Mainboard: Asus PRIME H270M-PLUS
  • Graphic card: Asus nVidia GeForce GTX 1050Ti

This dedicated graphic card doesn't have two DVI ports anymore. Instead it has 1 x DVI, 1 x HDMI, 1 x Display Port.

I set the computer up with Windows 10 Professional, installed all updates.
Then I installed the newest NVIDIA driver:
enter image description here

It doesn't work correctly. Both display are detected, the one I connected via DVI is working perfectly (as expected), the one connected via HDMI works but is not sharp, it's a little blurry.

What I tried so far:

  • Reset monitor settings & played a little around with it
  • Used a different HDMI calbe
  • Used a HDMI to DisplayPort adapter
  • Used a HDMI to DisplayPort cable
  • Switched the cables of the displays (i.e. used DVI for the other monitor and vice versa)

All of this didn't change a thing it's still blurry.

Basically I'm out of ideas, any help is appreciated, just tell me if you need more information.

Here's also a picture, however I doubt that you can really see the problem:
enter image description here

  • have you tried connecting the monitor to Display port of the graphics card? What was the result? Commented Apr 11, 2018 at 20:08
  • Yes I tried it with a HDMI => Display Port cable, it was also blurry / not sharp.
    – tenhouse
    Commented Apr 11, 2018 at 20:11

2 Answers 2


Ok I managed to find something.

If I go to the monitor settings and then to Picture Boost I changed the settings to that:

enter image description here

The important thing is the Frame Size.

I have no idea what I just did and why it works - maybe someone can lighten me up.

PS: On the DVI montior the Bright Frame is turned off which means all other settings are disabled.


I had the same issue: As recommended by @tenhouse already had to set Image Size to Auto: enter image description here

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