I have a Digital Ocean droplet (SERVER A) that uses an SSH key and password for my root account. I created an additional user and added it to a new SFTPUsers group by following this guide:


I also have another server on a shared host (not on Digital Ocean) that has nightly backup files. (SERVER B)

I would like to securely copy these nightly backups each night from SERVER B to a directory on my DO server (SERVER A) that my backup user has access to, and would like to do it with a script so that it doesn't ask for a password so it can just run. I'm really confused about where to go from here. I find the more I research, the more confused I get. I generate a public/private key on SERVER B and then copy the public key to server A? Then what happens?

Where do I go from here as far as being able to SCP a file from my one server to the digital ocean server? I'd like to do this using my new user I created. Would really welcome any help / pointers in the right direction. I tried doing reading on SSH / public/private keys but still don't feel like I'm making progress :(


1 Answer 1


Do I need to create a different SSH key for this user? I would do that on the DO server? I can't even log in as this new user because it says access denied (public key) when I try to login. I can log in as root, however, when I use that key.

You can of course use the same key for everything. However, it would be better use different keys for different users. So I'd recommend generating a key for a non-root-user. (And maybe not entering a passphrase, or else you'll have to understand ssh-agent (see below).) You would generate the key on the DO server and then append the public key... see next step.

How can I ensure the droplet will allow access from this other server? I read that you can copy the public key created on the DO server to the shared server's .ssh dir and then append it to authorized_keys. Is that correct?

You don't have to copy it to the ~/.ssh directory. You just have to append it to authorized_keys in the ~/.ssh directory.

Even if the key is copied over, it would still have a password as well that I would need to type in, no? Where does that get saved to? An environment variable?

Only if you entered a passphrase when you generated your key. You can store passphrases by using ssh-agent. Running ssh-agent will run a background process that takes care of filling in the passphrase when you ssh (or scp etc.) into a different server, but only for keys that you have ssh-added. It will also output a few lines likes this:

$ ssh-agent
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-mjHm7nFyhJSh/agent.21838; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
echo Agent pid 21839;

These are shell commands. If you paste them into your shell, you will be able to make use of ssh-agent in that shell. You can also do eval $(ssh-agent) to automatically evaluate ssh-agent's output by the shell. Then you do ssh-add (for the default .ssh/id_rsa key, or ssh-add path/to/key and enter the passphrase once. In that terminal you will now be able to ssh into other servers without entering the passphrase, even if you generated your key with a passphrase.

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to answer. If I want to generate a key for a non-root user, I just have to log in as that user on the box, and generate a key? Now if I generate the key on the DO BOX (A), remember my goal is to copy files from B to A using the backup user I created on Server A. To do that, do I copy the public key for my user from server A onto Server B and append it to authorized_keys ? After that, would my SCP command work? Basically Server B needs the public key, and server A needs the private key, correct? Commented Mar 23, 2018 at 14:29
  • Correct. BTW, the public key is entirely made from normal printable characters, so you can just copy and paste it into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the other server.
    – sneep
    Commented Mar 23, 2018 at 14:40
  • Do I want to give this user a home directory? Is it a normal user? I want to restrict them so even if someone compromised server B, they couldn't do much damage Commented Mar 23, 2018 at 15:36
  • Yeah, normal user. You couldn't put anything in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys if there were no home directory. You can log in from A to B, but not from B to A, so nothing to worry about.
    – sneep
    Commented Mar 23, 2018 at 15:52
  • but to confirm, copying A's public key over to B allows me to run SCP from B and copy a file to A? Commented Mar 23, 2018 at 16:02

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