i deleted ubuntu partition from disk management in windows 10,then i type "bootrec.exe/fixmbr" in command prompt. after restarting the pc i got the black grub menu screen. how to solve this problem how to get my windows back. few things about my pc.. My pc has already windows 10 installed so i never use flash drive in order to reinstall windows(in case of format). My pc is booted in uefi mode for both windows and ubuntu

1 Answer 1


you should also do

bootsect /nt60

If that doesn't work, from here. Please don't blame me if you cannot boot after this!

  • Run a cmd.exe process with administrator privileges
  • Run diskpart
  • Type: list disk then sel disk X where X is the drive your boot files reside on
  • Type list vol to see all partitions (volumes) on the disk
  • Select the EFI volume by typing: sel vol Y where Y is the SYSTEM volume (this is almost always the EFI partition)
  • For convenience, assign a drive letter by typing: assign letter=Z: where Z is a free (unused) drive letter
  • Type exit to leave disk part
  • While still in the cmd prompt, type: Z: and hit enter, where Z was the drive letter you just created.
  • Type dir to list directories on this mounted EFI partition
  • If you are in the right place, you should see a directory called EFI Type cd EFI and then dir to list the child directories inside EFI
  • Type rmdir /S ubuntu to delete the ubuntu boot directory

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