Since a few weeks ago, when my Windows 10 Pro computer has displayed a Windows Security authentication dialog like this:


It awaits input from me but then freezes instantly as soon as I click the OK button, the Cancel button, or the Close X icon at the upper right, regardless of whether I've filled in the password. Nothing happens further. The dialog never closes and I get no error message. I also can't find a related issue in any of the Windows logs.

This had been happening with a remote desktop connection to one server, but switching to the Remote Desktops manager fixed that, because now it uses a different interface to have me authenticate. I had also been happening when I'd open an Excel file from SharePoint, but I made some change last week that eliminated that problem. Now it's happening every time I open Outlook.

I've Googled phrases like "Windows Security" dialog freeze without success.

Any thoughts?

  • Perform a Clean Boot to avoid the software conflict. Repair Office. Also, create a new account to check result.
    – Origami
    Commented Dec 29, 2017 at 7:54
  • Thanks, I looked up Clean Boot and ran one. The problem persisted! The same happened after I ran a diagnostic boot. But, see below. Commented Jan 2, 2018 at 17:12

2 Answers 2


Outside of using Procmon to isolate what exactly is happening, I'd recommend a few things.

-Create a new account to check if the behavior occurs there as well. -Repair Office via add/remove programs (Select Modify) -Run Dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

If this is isolated to the Office Suite, try backing up your PST/OST files and uninstalling/reinstalling it. If those don't resolve your issue, post results here.

I'd move this to the Windows 10 forum though, this isn't a Security issue as much as an application/OS issue.

  • The only StackExchange forum that turns up when I search for Windows is Windows Phone. Also, this isn't the security forum, it's the superuser forum. Commented Mar 30, 2018 at 21:35

One resource led me to the Credential Manager, where I found a Windows credential for Office that I deleted. Now I'm no longer getting the prompt to log in, with Outlook evidently using my network credentials as it always used to do.

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