My Windows 10 computer has been configured to discover devices on the network and enable file sharing. This however is just not working whatever I try to do. I tried resetting the network adapter, resetting all network settings + driver, disable and enable the file sharing, starting and stopping services. Nothing worked and I still am not able to connect to my computer from other devices on the network. The computer can't even connect to \\\ or \\\localhost. It just keeps saying The network path was not found and The remote device or resource won't accept the connection.

The network path was not found The remote device or resource won't accept the connection

EDIT: Possible problem: I'm using Windows 10 Home and this may be the reason that other versions of windows cannot connect to my smb server. Also I have detected that PsExec doesn't work because of the problem.

doesn't work

  • I think this question has been asked in the stackOveflow forum Can't access Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 10:51
  • No, other computer can just access a server on my computer like a web server ( also works fine). It's the actual \\ip (file sharing or smb) server that doesn't work, but is enabled.
    – RFGA55_1
    Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 14:37

1 Answer 1


Found the answer. The Wired Autoconfig Service was disabled and was never running. After enabling it everything was working just fine. I don't know how it could've been disabled and that it was causing this problem but it got fixed and that's what matters.

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