Is there any tool or web site that allows searching for registered and sub-domain names?

I want to find all domain names for, *.client-channel.google.com, *.googleusercontent.com, or even *.google.com

There is a very obvious reason for that, which I don't want to mention here. I observed that my browser has been requesting to 5.client-channel.google.com, but I presume next time it might be 6.client-channel.google.com or even 15.client-channel.google.com or 25.client-channel.google.com. That's why I need a tool to find out them all.

Thanks for helping!

  • 1
    Only the root domain is "registered." So unless you're able to do a DNS zone transfer it's impossible to know what subdomains there are. On the other hand, if there is any reference to a subdomain on the internet you could always google for it. :) Commented Oct 5, 2017 at 0:45
  • Oh thanks for the clarification @Appleoddity, I now know what "registered" domain name really is. Updated my OP to narrow down what I'm asking for.
    – xpt
    Commented Oct 5, 2017 at 0:52
  • The tool you describe doesn’t exist
    – Ramhound
    Commented Oct 5, 2017 at 1:11

1 Answer 1


TLDR: It’s (generally) not possible to do this.

The only way to get a listing of all the sub-domains created under a domain is to request a DNS zone transfer from a primary name server that is authoritative for that domain. The primary purpose of zone transfers is to allow secondary name servers keep up–to-date with all the resource records configured on the primary name server. For security reasons, only hosts that are configured as secondary name servers for a domain are authorised to make a zone transfer from the primary name server.

If I was authorised to make a zone transfer, I could get the information you’re looking for by using the dig command with AXFR as the type of request, e.g., if Google had authorised me to make zone transfers from ns1.google.com (authoritative primary name server for the DNS zone responsible for googleusercontent.com domain), I could run the following command:

dig @ns1.google.com googleusercontent.com -t AXFR

However, since I’m not authorised, I get a Transfer failed response.

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