Excel 2016 on Windows 10: I have 120 CSV documents each containing 10 columns of text data (A-J). None of the CSVs have any column headings- Row 1 contains the first row of data rather than headings.

I want to merge all 120 CSVs into one CSV, whilst only keeping columns A, C and D. I don't care about columns, B and E-J. These don't need to be in the final CSV (however I can always delete those columns from the final CSV afterwards...). Column A contains post codes, C contains X coordinates and D contains Y coordinates (all unique).

How can I merge these 120 CSVs together in the way I want? Thanks

  • A plugin may help, so a search similar to combine multiple columns from different workbooks (search) brings up extendoffice.com
    – Dave
    Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 14:01

1 Answer 1


OK so with all the CSVs in one folder, I used command prompt to combine them into one CSV. [directory of csv files]>copy *.csv combine.csv

produces a CSV called 'combine.csv'

I then manually deleted the columns I didn't need.

  • Note that from within the directory with the files, you can open a command prompt with shift+right-click, and pick PowerShell from the options. For some reason the command doesn't work directly in PowerShell, but you can type cmd to open a command prompt within PowerShell, and then it will work.
    – LShaver
    Commented Mar 16, 2020 at 21:24

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