E.g. is it possible to set the /NoSetAsDefault parameter for the PDFXchangeEditor package so that it is used on install and each upgrade, including upgrade all?

  • So far the best solution I've found is to create an upgrade script that upgrades packages with specific parameters prior to updating all the rest: choco upgrade pdfxchangeeditor -params '"/NoSetAsDefault"' -y && choco upgrade all -y
    – ps_ttf
    Commented May 24, 2017 at 9:30

1 Answer 1


Upgrade to at least Chocolatey v0.10.4 and turn on the feature that does this for you automatically.

choco feature enable -n useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades

To better understand all of the considerations, please read over issue #797.

Note: this feature is in preview currently to work out any unforeseen issues, but it will be turned on automatically in a future release.

You may also wish to subscribe to the chocolatey-announce group for release announcements in the Chocolatey ecosystem so you continue to be aware of new features and fixes.


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