I catched a trojan that uses explorer.exe to reproduce itself in case of deletion of its autostart entry or main exe file in Programs/x.

It had already tried to contact a suspicious server over explorer.exe, blocked that via my firewall.


  • Removed the autostart entries from the registry
  • Looked through my services if there was anything suspicious
  • Deleted the trojan from Programs/
  • Went through System Volume Information to find a 2 month old explorer.exe and replaced the possibly infected one.

There are no suspicious processes running now anymore (no duplicate explorer.exe) and nothing wants to connect this trojan owners sever either.

I checked my system with several anti-malware programs too.

What the trojan did:

  • Started a second explorer.exe
  • Always when I deleted the main trojan exe file it was reproduced (by the second explorer.exe)
  • Always when I deleted the autostart entry it was reproduced by the explorer.exe too.

When I terminated the suspicious explorer.exe, which used only half as much memory as the less suspicious one from Windows, a strange thing that I know from the computers in my Informatics class happened:

A window popped up in the top left of my explorer-less desktop, titled "Personal settings for ... are ..." that obviously copied some files. Then both explorer.exes started again and the trojan was everywhere again.

  • What did the trojan actually do to get explorer to rescue it?
  • Is my PC clean of this newish trojan now?
  • What are the other locations I should check for the trojan?
  • The trjoan doesn't seem very high-level, could it have changed other system files or is the autostart entry vital for it?

4 Answers 4


You can never be 100% totally sure you completely removed a trojan horse. Once your security is breached, you don't know what exactly happened.

You seem to have figured it out quite well as to what it did to your system. But what if it installed a rootkit you didn't find and is invisible for your anti-virus software?

There are tons of things to think off like above example. The one and only way to be completely sure is a reinstall of the complete system.

If you're not up to that, run a few anti virus software packages etc. check all your startup settings (registry, msconfig etc) look for "strange" running processes and kill them to see what happens.


As it was said, without a full reinstall you couldn't be completely sure... However if you take the time to deeply inspect your system (often more time than applying a good backup/reinstall strategy...) you could have an outside chance that's something remains. So here are some free tools to do it. (by order of personal preference)

Start and finish by a sfc /scannow in an administrator command prompt to verify all the system files

Antimalware scanners

For more security use multiple engines and use them from a boot media (like ubcd4win) or another (well protected) computer.

Rootkit detector

Deep system inspection tools

Bonus: An interesting video with Mark Russinovich (creator of ProcessExplorer & Autoruns) about Malware Cleaning

  • Awesome answer. If I had votes left, I'd upvote this. Nice Google owl btw :)
    – Alex
    Commented Mar 13, 2010 at 21:23

Use Lavasoft_Ad_Aware_Anniversary_2009_Professional_8.0.7, spybot search& destroy or SUPERAntiSpyware

  • Care to explain a bit more? Like: why these tools, and why that exact 8.0.7 version number?
    – Arjan
    Commented Mar 13, 2010 at 15:39

(1) If it was completely undetected, you can never be entirely sure you got it all.

(2) I would recommend a Mac instead.

  • +1 for the first point, -1 for the Mac fanboy comment. He even said he's getting Linux in a week. Commented Mar 13, 2010 at 12:01
  • It's not a fanboy thing; I was a Windows expert for 15 years before I finally tried a Mac. It took me a couple of months to unlearn my habits, but then I was totally sold on the concept and the execution. Linux on the desktop just isn't there yet. I use it currently in the server room, which unfortunately really is its place in life at the moment. Mac OS has the same UNIX underpinnings, but with a much more consistent, well-thought-out UI.
    – Alex
    Commented Mar 13, 2010 at 12:14
  • 2
    I prefer linux to mac because functionality is more important to me than beautiful UIs. I also prefer open-source to Apple's DRM hell. It was completely undetected by anti-virus programs, doesn't mean I haven't detected it. Sorry but this answer didn't help me alot, especially for the Mac part.
    – ubuntuisbetter
    Commented Mar 13, 2010 at 12:43
  • @ubuntuisbetter, what you'd expect when using the name "ubuntuisbetter" and signing your question with "Getting linux in a week" yourself...?
    – Arjan
    Commented Mar 13, 2010 at 13:13
  • An answer containing something useful, I wouldn't care about fanboy recommendations then.
    – ubuntuisbetter
    Commented Mar 13, 2010 at 13:17

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