I'm a teacher, and I use Excel to record student grades for my courses. Each row corresponds to a single student, and each column is the grade for a single assignment.

I would like to share the sheet with my students in such a way that each student is only able to view their own row. Ideally, this would be accomplished with a single sheet, so that I could a mass email with a single attachment. Less ideal, but still acceptable, would be a quick way to break up the single sheet by row into separate files, one per student. I would be receptive to any other creative ideas to efficiently accomplish this task (e.g., using something other than Excel).

2 Answers 2


Take a look at Mail Merge. This will allow you to send emails (do this through Word) that pulls information from a spreadsheet into placeholders ("merge fields"). You'll set up the spreadsheet with their email in one column and the information you wish them to see in the same row.


Have a look at RowShare, it's a collaborative table.

It does exactly what you want: share a table where each user will see just his/her rows. You will still see the result as a single consolidated table. You even get alerts when it's modified and other nice additions.

There is a free and a Business version.

You can then edit the RowShare table in Excel to perform your standard mail merge.

Disclaimer: I work for RowShare.


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