I want to mount my QNAP windows shares as a share in Linux mint (18.1). I have created the following entry in /etc/fstab

# Mount share from samba server
//   /media/share/d  cifs    credentials=/home/arnold/.credentials,iocharset=utf8,rw,iocharset=utf8,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0   0

It is not mounted when the machine starts and I log in. I have to issue sudo mount -a to get it mounted. I had the impression that /etc/fstab entries were automatically mounted. Is there a way to get this partition automatically mounted during startup?

1 Answer 1



I think you need to add auto to the list of mount options, like:

# Mount share from samba server
//   /media/share/d  cifs    credentials=/home/arnold/.credentials,iocharset=utf8,auto,rw,iocharset=utf8,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777    0   0

I know it doesn't really make sense, but maybe it's worth a try?

  • I tried that but it didn't work. As I gathered from the man pages it seems to be the default. Thanks anyway! This problem is pestering me for a week.
    – Arnold
    Commented Dec 29, 2016 at 8:33

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