When I use the Keyboard to switch between the messages, some times I get this very bad behavior that every time I select a message element from the list, the focus moves from the messages list to the message content. So it becomes impossible to skim through my emails.

How can I keep the focus on the messages and move among them, and only switch to the message content window when I want (with a tab, mouse click, etc...)?

2 Answers 2


The problem is only present in TB 78.6.0 if the search box (CTRL F) in the reading pane is active. Otherwise the focus stays on the message pane. I accidentally used CTRL F (I'm used to it from Outlook) and thus ran into the issue. Closing the search bar on the bottom of the reading pane helped.


The problem has been reported and upgrading fixes it, see this support forum answer.

  • The problem is again here: in 68.4.1 version. (
    – Dzenly
    Commented Mar 12, 2020 at 20:39

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