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Questions tagged [solidity]

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XVM Ink Wasm to EVM: Contract Reverted. Decoding Failed

I tried to deploy a XVM Wasm contract wrapping around a deployed EVM Solidity contract in my local node. Steps Deploy my EVM Solidity contract via Remix connecting to my local node //SPDX-License-...
Russo's user avatar
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Event subscription error from EVM compatible Substrate chain

i'm trying to listen events against a solidity smart contract deployed on EVM compatible Substrate chain and getting following error Error listening event ChangeOwner : Error: Returned error: Method ...
BlockBird's user avatar
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How to interact between a smart contract written in Solidity from substrate pallet?

Can it be possible to interact solidity smart contract from substrate pallet?
go11li's user avatar
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Calling Precompiled Contracts from Other Contracts in EVM fails

I am in the process of working with a precompiled contract I created in my Frontier EVM. I encounter issues when attempting to call this precompiled contract from another contract. While direct calls ...
ALeSD's user avatar
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I need a way to gather information about the address length and value length of each parachain

Solang is a solidity compiler that compiles to the wasm pallet. In Solang's CLI, there are options to configure the target parachain address length and value length. What I want to add is a feature ...
salaheldin's user avatar
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I want to use Parity SCALE codec in Solidity? Is there any implementation of scale codec to decode bytes?

I want to decode bytes on the Solidity side that was decoded with scale codec. Is the any implementation of scale codec (decode) on the Solidity side?'s user avatar
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How to interact between a smart contract written in Solidity from a smart contract written in ink!?

In the repository of the cargo-contract CLI tool, which currently "helps you develop smart contracts in Parity's ink!, which is a Rust eDSL allowing you to write smart contracts for blockchains ...
Luke Schoen's user avatar
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Getting "Gas estimation failed" error while deploying EVM contract on Substrate Node?

When I try to deploy a solidity smart contract on my substrate node I get the following error: "Gas estimation failed Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The ...
Brian Ramirez's user avatar
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How to return uint256 datatype from ink! wasm contract? How to make compatibility with IERC20?

IERC20 interface contains methods with uint256 datatype. If you try to call ink! wasm contract from Solidity (compiled by solang to target subtrate) you will have an issue. interface IERC20{ ...'s user avatar
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Expected input with 32 bytes (256 bits), found 48 bytes

I have a solidity smart contract that I compile using Solang to substrate wasm. contract Pool { address xxx; constructor(address _test){ xxx = _test; } function callFoo(address _test) external ...'s user avatar
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How can i implement re-entrancy in ink! smart contracts?

I am trying to solve the following problem statement:- Contract A(func1) -> Contract A(func2) -> Contract B(funcB) so, func1 will call func2 and then func2 will invoke multiple calls on ...
crypto sahdev's user avatar
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Best way to handle Solidity's `uint256` in ink!

I have been working on creating a guide to port Solidity smart contracts to ink! smart contracts. I was hoping for some input on how to best handle Solidity's uint256 in ink!. Solidity is optimized ...
Peter - R0GUE's user avatar
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deploy solidity ethereum to parachain with ExhaustsResources error

I can deploy a few Ethereum smart contracts into my parachain via Hardhat. But those are only normal contracts. All the upgradeable contracts and ERC777 contract cannot be deployed with the ...
Russo's user avatar
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How to get a detailed error for a Solang-compiled contract with polkadot-js?

I'm currently using substrate (version 4) with the contrat-pallet. I deploy contract in wasm, compiled from solidity (thanks to solang compiler) and sometimes, when executing a method of the smart ...
Guillaume Marquis's user avatar
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cross contract call failure when using different salt to instantiate contract

I tried deployed two ink-compatible solidity smart contract using solang as the compiler. When trying to play around cross contract calls, I've stumbled upon the below failure: Prerequisite: compile ...
extraymond's user avatar