Why does the moonbeam/moonriver polkadot-js websites not have an extrinsics developer menu? The chain state can be queried, and RPC seems there.

I'm just curious.

2 Answers 2


The apps only show certain functions, including the extrinsics tab, when you have at least one account.

Because Moonbeam uses Ethereum-style accounts instead of Polkadot accounts, your existing Polkadot account set to be used on all chains doesn't count as a Moonbeam account.

Instead, you will need to create a new account in the polkadot.js apps for Moonbeam. Once this is done, the extrinsics tab appears just as it does for other chains.


Here's a trick that I learned: even when a particular parachain does not explicitly show the extrinsics menu item on polkadot.js.org/apps, the webpage is still accessible if you simply add #/extrinsics to the end of the URL, and it is fully functional as well! See the screecap below:

Screencap of PolkadotJS on the extrinsics page

  • cute - nice trick.
    – Squirrel
    Commented Feb 9, 2022 at 21:11

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