I know ss58 public key and private key, also I have derived the EVM HS160 account from the same public key, next is how I can import that EVM HS160 Account in metamask. If I put the private key of ss58 address, It points to some different HS160 Account Address from What I have derived.

1 Answer 1


It depends on the deriving algorithm.

// sr25519
privatek --f(privatek)--> publick1
// ecdsa
privatek --g(privatek)--> publick2
// derived ecdsa (from sr25519)
privatek --f(privatek)--> publick1 --derive(publick1)--> publick3

During the process that I show above. IMO, publick1 == publick3 is impossible.

And I don't recommend you use the same private key everywhere.

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