I am trying to build the Frontier Node Template from this code or from the Frontier repository.

But when running the cargo build --release I am getting the following error:

 error: non-defining opaque type use in defining scope
 --> /Users/alex/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/evm-0.37.0/src/executor/stack/memory.rs:570:3
570 |         self.substate.deconstruct(self.backend)
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lifetime `'config` is part of concrete type but not used in parameter list of the `impl Trait` type alias

  Compiling sp-application-crypto v7.0.0 (https://github.com/paritytech/substrate?branch=master#6376f13a)
  error: could not compile `evm` due to previous error

1 Answer 1


Finally I was able to compile it. I am not sure what was causing the error, but this is what I did:

I updated the rust toolchain:

rustup update

Check i was in the last commit, delete the Cargo.lock and:

clean cargo
cargo build --release 

And it worked!

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