Conference Presentations

36th Automorphic Forms Workshop, Talk, "Mass Equidistribution: Cocompact vs. Non-Cocompact Surfaces", Summer 2024

Shanks Conference Series International Conference on L-Functions and Autormophic Forms, Lightning Talk, "On the Number of k-almost Primes",Summer 2024

Palmetto Number Theory Series XXXVII, Talk, "A Converse Theorem in Half-Integral Weight" , Fall 2023

Maine-Québec Number Theory Conference 2023, Talk, "Explicit Zero Free Regions of Automorphic L-Functions", Fall 2023

AMS New England Graduate Student Conference, Talk, "Prym Tableau", Sping 2022

Joint Mathematics Meeting, Poster, "Polynomials Over Hyperfields", Received Outstanding Poster Award, Winter 2020

Georgia Tech Algebra Seminar, Talk with Derek Wu, "Prym-Brill-Noether Loci of Special Curves", Fall 2019

Young Mathematicians Conference, Talk with Caelan Ritter and Derek Wu, "Prym Varieties of Folded k-gonal Chains of Loops", Summer 2019

Young Mathematicians Conference, Talk, "Hyperfield Extensions", Summer 2019

National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Poster, "On Polynomials Over Hyperfields", Spring 2019

Conference Travel (Just Attending)

Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, Summer 2024

The Mordell Conjecture 100 Years Later, Summer 2024

CTNT, Summer 2024

Visions of Arithmetic and Beyond: Celebrating Peter Sarnak's Work and Impact, Summer 2024


Rethinking Number Theory 5, Summer 2024

Arizona Winter School on Abelian Varieties, Winter 2024

Inclusive Paths in Explicit Number Theory, Summer School, Summer 2023

Arizona Winter School on Unlikely Intersection, Winter 2023