Steven Creech


Sugar Glider Image
This animal is a Sugar Glider. It is part of the marsupial family. This photo was taken at a kangaroo farm in Kelowna, Canada during the Inclusive Paths in Explicit Number Theory Summer School in 2023.

Hi, my name is Steven Creech, I am a graduate student at Brown University under the advisement of Jeff Hoffstein and Junehyuk Jung. My primary area of interest lies in number theory. Specifically, I am interested in automorphic forms and hyperbolic geometry. I am currently thinking about quantum unique ergodicity for modular forms on cocompact Riemann surfaces arising from quaternion algebras.

I graduated in 2020 from Georgia Tech with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics under the advisement of Matt Baker.

Below is a video of me introducing you to my website, and giving a brief tour of the tabs above. Feel free to watch it, or you can just explore my website.