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Logistic Regression models with two or more response variables in R/SAS

There are a lot of inconsistencies in the literature over what should be the appropriate term(s) for the regression models involving two or more responses, and if they are binary/continuous, for more ...
AAA's user avatar
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SAS principal component analysis help [closed]

I have performed a principal component analysis on sas and have but my 15 variables into 4 factors so I have 4 new constructs. I now want to find out which of the original variables were important in ...
Lauren Hosking's user avatar
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Why are standardised coefficients from STB not equivalent to standardised input data?

I recently saw a question on cross-validated which I wanted to double-check. The statement said that the following two outputs should be equal: Running a multivariate regression on non-standardised ...
user235111's user avatar
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Modelling non event instead of event

I am currently building a logistic regression model for a uni project where I want to model the 'Event' as 'default' i.e. I will be using this model to predict whether a company will not be able to ...
user235111's user avatar
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No intercept model with more than one factor

I am using SAS for linear regression with two independent categorical variables. When I run models with each categorical variable separately, I get estimates for every level of both variables. This ...
af1234's user avatar
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Value of t statistic equal to infinity

Does anyone know when PROC REG with selection = stepwise in SAS gives t-values equal to infinity? I am getting an $R^2 = 1$. My data set has $n = 50$ observations ...
vk6's user avatar
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2 non-linearly correlated variables

I am currently looking at some code that uses 2 independent variables, which look as follows when scatter plotted: Clearly, they are (non) linearly correlated. IMHO this violates a key assumption of ...
cs0815's user avatar
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proc glmselect and collinearity

proc glmselect seems to be really powerful and offers 'feature selection' methods such as LASSO and LAR variable selection methods. I am just curious, can it also check for collinearity and ideally ...
cs0815's user avatar
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Linear Regression with both count and continuous zero inflated variables

I am trying to produce a multivariate linear regression model to predict the value of a continuous variable. I have lots of variables with potential explanatory power, some are binary (e.g. sex), ...
chris_tucker_'s user avatar
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Is imputation needed for $0$'s in regression?

I am working on a dataset of 2000 records using SAS Enterprise Miner in order to predict insurance payment (compensation) from insurer, a motor insurance company, to its customers. Though there are no ...
Isha Kamboj's user avatar
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Possible to code contrasts comparing each level to grand mean with no reference category?

I'm working on a health care outcome regression model using the deviation contrast scheme described on the UCLA SAS help page here for a collection of dichotomous predictor variables measuring medical ...
RobertF's user avatar
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Why does the adjusted r-squared of this model improve with addition of a statistically insignificant variable?

I stumbled on this while doing MLR, and was curious as to why this happens. The adjusted R-squared is (if I understand correctly) supposed to be a way of comparing the predictive quality of models ...
cjdbarlow's user avatar
10 votes
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When to use non-parametric regression?

I am using PROC GLM in SAS to fit a regression equation of the following form $$ Y = b_0 + b_1X_1 + b_2X_2 + b_3X_3 + b_4t $$ The QQ plot of the resulting redsiduals indicate deviation from ...
ann's user avatar
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Fitting a particular Gaussian model

Using R or SAS, I want to fit the following Gaussian model: $$ \begin{pmatrix} y_{1j1} \\ y_{1j2} \\ y_{1j3} \\ y_{2j1} \\ y_{2j2} \\ y_{2j3} \end{pmatrix} \sim_{\text{i.i.d.}} {\cal N} \left(...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar