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Questions tagged [random-field]

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Convergence criteria for random field

I am iteratively solving a stochastic equation by generating a random field and using the resulting generation to move toward an equilibrium. I know that the system converges but I want to use an ...
Charles Wetaski's user avatar
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Probability for all points on a path in a gaussian random field

I have a gaussian random field $u(x)$, $x \in R^2$ , with a covariance function $C(d)$ and I need to calculate probability $P[ u(x) < u_0, \forall x \in S]$, where $S$ is a straight segment in $R^2$...
Anatoly's user avatar
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What am I not understanding about semivariogram and Normal Score Transformation?

I have generated this two dimensional random field: This is done following this page. In particular, I have selected t=23 as dataframe and I have changed some parameters. As you can noticed, I have ...
diedro's user avatar
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Generate a syntetic log-normal two dimensional random field

I would like to test some functions that I wrote related to the kriging applied to rain data. In order to do that, I would like to generate a synthetic log-normal 2D random field. The idea is to ...
diedro's user avatar
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"Nonlinear" random spatial field: an example

I want to generate a "nonlinear" random spatial field in the sense that the autocorrelation function in function of the lag/distance $h$, $\rho(h)$, should be not equal to the $R(h)$ ...
Massimiliano Romana's user avatar
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What is the spatial covariance algorithm?

Given a realization of a spatial random field, what is the algorithm to determine the spatial covariance, or the covariance function of the spatial lag? Many thanks.
Massimiliano Romana's user avatar
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Relation between Gaussian Processes and Gaussian Markov Random Fields

As a non expert in the field, I am relating Gaussian Processes (GP) and Gaussian Markov Random Fields (GMRF). I might just be confused by the fact that different resources use different formalism. ...
asdf's user avatar
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Probability of path between two points in excursion set of (Gaussian) random field

The Adler paper "On the existence of paths between points in high level excursion sets of Gaussian random fields" discusses the asymptotic limit of path probabilities in Gaussian random field ...
Heathcliffe's user avatar
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Repeated measures test against baseline

I have data from a field experiment and I want to identify if it's reasonable to test against a baseline mean to show that the ratings are significantly greater. These are the characteristcs of the ...
Joker3139's user avatar
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Spatial auto-correlation function of $\sin^2(2\theta)$ in terms of that of $\theta$

Let $\theta$ be an isotropic random field which has a unifrom pdf $U[0,2\pi]$ and whose auto-correlation function is $R_{\theta \theta}(|y-x|) = \mathbb{E}[\theta(x)\theta(y)]$ wherein x and y are ...
Shahram Khazaie's user avatar
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Finding probability of at least one RV taking a specific value

Given a set of random variables $X = \{X_1, X_2, .. X_N\}$ where the domain of $X_i$ is $ \{ l_1, l_2, .. l_K \}, \forall i \in \{1,2 ... N\}$. I want to compute $P($ for at least one i, $ X_i = l_k)$....
Optimus's user avatar
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What conditions are needed for a differentiable random field?

I've been playing around with some random field models and noticed that the apparent differentiability seems to be related to the covariance function's behavior at 0. My initial guess was that if $\...
jjet's user avatar
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Questions regarding geodesics in Adler and Taylor's "Random Fields and Geometry"

I'm working through some calculations in Adler & Taylor's Random Fields and Geometry. $f$ is a real, scalar, zero-mean random field parametrized by $x^i$ (elements of some topological space $T$). ...
Bothorth's user avatar
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