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Questions tagged [nonparametric]

Use this tag to ask about the nature of nonparametric or parametric methods, or the difference between the two. Nonparametric methods generally rely on few assumptions about the underlying distributions, whereas parametric methods make assumptions that allow data to be described by a small number of parameters.

838 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Looking for the Holy Grail of nonparametric regression

Unfortunately, to state precisely the question, I need some formal preliminaries. Let $d \in \mathbb{N}$. For each $d^* \in \{1,\dots,d\}$, define $\mathcal{M}_{d^*}$ be the set of probability ...
Bob's user avatar
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What does it mean when F values of ANOVAs are not all ~0?

I am running an aligned rank transform ANOVA (a non-parametric ANOVA for an ordinal DV). In my data there are 3 factors and one ordinal DV. When I create the model: ...
RECURSIVE FARTS's user avatar
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Theoretical justification of Parametric bootstrap?

I've been reading about bootstrap, and while it's relatively easy to find theoretical results (consistency and higher-order correctness) for the nonparametric bootstrap (e.g., Asymptotic Statistics by ...
Xward's user avatar
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Parameter estimation when the likelihood function does not exist

The observations $Z_1,Z_2\cdots$ are i.i.d. We have $$Z_k = \sum_{i=1}^\infty \frac{X_{ki}}{2^k}.$$ where the $X_{ki}$'s are i.i.d. with a Bernouilli$(p)$ distribution. If $p=\frac{1}{2}$ then $Z_k$ ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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When should one use Bradley-Terry instead of gradient boosted trees for pairwise ranking

Both the Bradley-Terry model and Gradient boosted trees can be used to learn a ranking from pairwise comparisons (e.g. with libraries choix and XGboost). How do they relate to each other? Is there ...
vman's user avatar
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Literature on nonparametric contrasts

I am wondering how I can perform and interpret contrasts in a particular case described below. I am comparing three independent groups which are not normally distributed (heavily), thus I have opted ...
KKJ's user avatar
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Options for nonparametric preference ranking models

What are some options for nonparametric ranking models with a probabilistic interpretation? I'm basically looking for a nonlinear/nonparametric version of a rank ordered logit model. I'm aware of ...
Thomas Johnson's user avatar
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non-parametric circular statistics

I am working on a research question of color preference (which can be represented in a circular space). I have divided the circular space into 16 equally spaced bins and done a pairwise comparison ...
ha554an's user avatar
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Multiple comparisons between two groups (non-parametric)

Update Added more details about the Experimental setup. My experiment comprised two groups, control (N=25) and experimental (N=26). Each participant belonged to one group. Their performance has been ...
Ioannis K.'s user avatar
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solve an exercise of two samples using Kolmogorov-smirnov

I'm looking for books and information like crazy and I can not find what I need. Well the example proposed is about methods that have been used in literature students and these are the data collected: ...
royer's user avatar
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Best Test For Generalized/Nonparametric Behrens-Fisher Problem

First, because there seems to be a confusion of what the generalized Behrens-Fisher problem is a description adapted from [1]. We have $X_1,\ldots,X_m$ i.i.d. from distribution $P$ and $Y_1,\ldots,...
Julian Karch's user avatar
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Algebraic Manipulations in Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Test Statistics

Given Let $\Delta > 0 $ be positive real number. Consider the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney upper tail test $H_0: \Delta \leq 0 \,\,\, \text{vs} \,\,\, H_a: \Delta > 0$ aimed at testing the difference ...
inkalchemist1994's user avatar
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Statistical test for first sample greater than given sample?

Does anyone know of a name for the following statistical test/whether there is a name/whether the following line of reasoning is just bogus? Say I have a value $x$, and a way to generate samples from ...
meldefon's user avatar
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A' (A prime) for extreme Hit rates and False Alarms

I am trying to compute the non parametric measure of sensitivity A' according to the following formula reported by Stanislav & Todorov (1999): $$ A'= .5+sign(H-F)*((H-F)^2+abs(H-F))/(4*max(H,F)-4*...
Elio Balestrieri's user avatar
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Can non-parametric tests, e.g. Mann-Whitney U, be used on non-normally distributed statistics off of bootstrap samples?

I have some return data from some different portfolios which I would like to compare using risk vs return ratios. The standard Sharpe ratio has a nice solution for calculating the significance of the ...
Jeramia Poland's user avatar

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