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Why does the Dunn's test in online calculator rejects the null hypothesis while my manual computations cannot reject it?

In my own manual calculations of the Dunn's Test in google sheet, using the formula from a YouTube video, I managed to calculate the same Test Statistic as the online calculator. However, using the ...
FifthRevelathor's user avatar
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Are t-tests good choices here?

I would like to test if two groups of participants (dark-eyed and light-eyed individuals) respond to a drug differently over time. The hypothesis is that the drug reaches its peak effects sooner but ...
Sam Tan's user avatar
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Multiple comparisons version of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

Suppose $\mathbf{y}_{i} $ and $ \mathbf{x}_{i}\,$ are length-$m$ vectors and $D_{i}$ is some arbitrary distribution $(i=1,...,N)$. I would like to conduct the following hypothesis test: $ H_{0}: \...
Mathew Carroll's user avatar
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Calculate fraction of multiple tests for which the null hypothesis was rejected

Consider a test (e.g., a permutation test) that tests, at the individual level, if a binary event occured or not. A paper that I was recently reading, for example, tested whether or not a pair of two ...
kyuss's user avatar
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Question on non-parametric tests and comparing two groups across countries

I have a dataset with every election in various countries between 1900 and 2010. There are about 300 elections but only between 20-40 elections in most countries. I am trying to test whether ...
BobC's user avatar
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Nonparametric multiplecomparison tests for discrete data

Suppose I have $K$ populations each consisting of $n_i$ ($i=1\dots K$) observations $x_{j,i}$ ($j=1 \dots n_i$). Each observation is comming from a Bernoulli distributed random variable $X_{j,i} \sim ...
user202542's user avatar
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What test should one use when dealing with different treatments in plant clones?

In an experiment involving plant clones there are: 20+ treatments, 5 technical replicates for each treatment (plant clones in which the treatments were tested). Variable of interest is Biomass. Due ...
Luís Muniz's user avatar
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Pairwise non-parametric test?

I have 5 groups of patients (different sizes), for which I measured some property that is continuous but not normally distributed. I would like to compare every pair of groups in respect to this ...
R Sorek's user avatar
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Which test to use to detect if a process has significantly more errors than another?

A have a set of machines running a particular software. I want to do something that's called "canary deployment". This consists of deploying the new version of the software to a subset of machines ...
braunmagrin's user avatar
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Pairwise non-parametric test for small sample sizes

I was asked to check a small dataset (3 replicates for 5 treatments, each) for significant outcome differences. I give an example: The variance within replicates in the data cannot be assumed equal, ...
nouse's user avatar
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Any other non-parametric alternative to Kruskal-Wallis?

It looks like Kruskal-Wallis is the standard nonparametric test for more than two groups. The problem is that it does not tell which groups are different, except that whether there exists significant ...
MLister's user avatar
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Multiple comparisons on nested subsets of data for a non-parametric test

My problem: I'm using data sets where some are nested in a non-parametric test that expects independent data sets. How can I correct for that in a way that is reasonable? Or even better: What would ...
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