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3 votes
2 answers

sample size in chi-squared test

The chi-square test of independence is a type of non-parametric test, but in cases of small sample sizes, the Fisher's exact test should be used instead. My understanding of non-parametric methods is ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Deriving Sample version of Anderson Darling test statistic from the theoretical version

In literature, I have seen two types of Anderson-Darling test statistic. One is expressed as $A_T^2 = n\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{(F_n(x)-F(x))^2}{F(x)(1-F(x))}dF(x)$ and the other is given by $A_s^...
DevD's user avatar
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Derivation/Properties of Nonparametric Survival Function Hypothesis Test

Suppose two samples of right-censored failure time data: $$\boldsymbol{X_1} = \{(X_{i1}, \delta_{i1}) = (\min(T_{i1}, C_{i1}), 1_{T_{i1} < C_{i1}}): i = 1, ..., n_1$$ $$\boldsymbol{X_2} = \{(X_{i2},...
J McVittie's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Confused about the Mann-Whitney $U$ test. Does it test distribution equality (pdf) or just mean/median equality?

I am rather confused about the Mann Whitney test, many statements I read state it tests for distribution equality between two populations and some state it tests for means/median/central tendency only....
limestreetlab's user avatar
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Differences between Mann-Whitney U and chi-square tests for if two-samples come from same distribution

In a textbook, it introduces the chi-square goodness of fit test to test independence between two variables (organized in a contingency table), which can also be used to test if m samples are likely ...
limestreetlab's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a robust test for stochastic dominance between two random variables?

I am trying to compare the errors from two statistical models in order to give evidence to one being "better" in terms of lower prediction error than the other. To formalize this, I thought that a ...
user191332's user avatar
77 votes
15 answers

Why would parametric statistics ever be preferred over nonparametric?

Can someone explain to me why would anyone choose a parametric over a nonparametric statistical method for hypothesis testing or regression analysis? In my mind, it's like going for rafting and ...
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