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6 votes
2 answers

Regression with flexible functional form

I am assuming a model of the form $$Y_i=\alpha+\beta X_i+g(\mathbf{Z}_i)+\epsilon_i,$$ here $\mathbf{Z}_i$ is an $m$ dimensional vector and $\epsilon_i$ is i.i.d. white noise. I would like to ...
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Error $|\hat{f}_n(x)-f(x)|$ with regressogram estimator

I am learning about non parametric estimation, and more specifically about regressogram: Let $(X_i,Y_i)_{i = 1}^n$ be a sequence of random variables in $[0,1]$ variables and $E[Y_i|X_i] = f(X_i)$. ...
ess's user avatar
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Definition of a 'design adaptive' fit?

When studying non-parametric regression, I've been told that local linear fitting is often better than local constant fitting at the job of estimating regression functions because local linear fitting ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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Nonlinear regression: improving parameter estimates

I'm running a nonlinear regression to estimate $\delta$ and $\alpha$ using the following model, where $X$, $Y$ and $Z$ are the variables: \begin{equation} Z = \left(\delta X^\alpha+(1-\delta)Y^\alpha\...
financial theory's user avatar
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Simple method to estimate $\sigma^2$ from i.i.d. samples of $y_i \sim N(\theta_i, \sigma^2)$

This is a normal means model: given $N$ i.i.d $y_i \sim N(\theta_i, \sigma^2)$ or equivalently $$ y_i = \theta_i + \varepsilon_i\, \text{ where }\varepsilon_i \text{ are i.i.d } \sim N(0, \sigma^2)...
them's user avatar
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Nonparametric estimation of regression function: kernel estimation vs series estimation

I am working on a small research project trying to estimate regression function nonparametrically when I have only one regressor. Basically, I am trying to estimate the regression function $$r(x)=E[Y∣...
Alik's user avatar
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Non-parametric estimation of error distribution in regression

Consider the following model: $y = 1$ if $g(X\beta) + u > 0$ and $y=0$ otherwise where $u$ is $iid$ according to some distribution function $F$. I want to recover the distribution $F$ without ...
mrb's user avatar
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77 votes
15 answers

Why would parametric statistics ever be preferred over nonparametric?

Can someone explain to me why would anyone choose a parametric over a nonparametric statistical method for hypothesis testing or regression analysis? In my mind, it's like going for rafting and ...
en1's user avatar
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Computing inverse probability weights -- conditional (multivariate) density estimation?

The general version: I need to estimate $f(A | X)$ where $A$ and $X$ are continuous and multivariate. I'd rather do it nonparametrically because I don't have a good functional form in mind and $\hat{...
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