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3 votes
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How to interpret coefficients from rank based regression (Rfit package in R)?

I need to examine the relationship between an outcome variable (continuous) and a number of predictors. Since my data is non-normally distributed (i.e. the residuals from the multiple linear ...
paola's user avatar
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Non asymptotic error bound for$f(x)=\mathbb{E}[Y|X=x]$

I am considering the following model: $(X_i,Y_i)_{i=1}^n$ are iid random pairs with $X_i\in[0,1]$ and $Y_i\in\mathbf{R}$. Let $f(x)=\mathbb{E}[Y|X=x]$. Consider an estimate $\hat{f}_n$ of $f$. Under ...
ess's user avatar
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Alternative approach if dependent variable violates regression linearity

I am working on a research project to identify the impact of dominant personalities, and sexual esteem on sadistic behavior. I am also completely new to statistical analysis. Both of my independent ...
Priyath Gregory's user avatar
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Error $|\hat{f}_n(x)-f(x)|$ with regressogram estimator

I am learning about non parametric estimation, and more specifically about regressogram: Let $(X_i,Y_i)_{i = 1}^n$ be a sequence of random variables in $[0,1]$ variables and $E[Y_i|X_i] = f(X_i)$. ...
ess's user avatar
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Creating a custom distribution with flexsurvreg

I'm interested in fitting a parametric survival model but would like to explore the use of a Beta distribution for this purpose rather than a Weibull, Exponential, etc. model. The Beta distribution ...
G. Vece's user avatar
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How Semiparametric regression works?

I am working on semiparametric regression models; $$y=\beta x_1 +m(x_2)+e$$. I can understand this combination of Parametric and Nonparametric but how to estimate the responses ($\hat y$)? What is ...
user12434867's user avatar
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Feature subset selection by stepwise regression for a random forest model?

I would like to build a random forest model for regression. I have an abundance of potential features, and I expect only some of them to have a significant impact on the target variable. In addition, ...
GenH's user avatar
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Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance is related to what kind of regression?

One-way anova is similar to regular linear regression because both use the F-test which involves sums of squares among other reasons. Is Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance similar to some ...
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How to better understand when to use Weibull AFT versus Cox Model for Failure Data

I am struggling to understand when I should consider using a Cox regression model versus using a Weibull AFT model to predict the end of life of mechanical components. I have tried to apply the Cox ...
Py_Mel's user avatar
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7 votes
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Minimizing MISE to find consistent estimator

Consider kernel regression estimation of the mean function $m$ of the process $$y_t = m(x_t) + \epsilon_t,$$ where $\epsilon_t$' s are correlated with covariance function $R(s,t) = \exp \{-\lambda|s-...
Shanks's user avatar
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Is there a equivalence test for beta coefficients in regression analysis?

There are established ways to rule out medium/high effects like TOST for two-groups. But is there a way to rule out medium/high effects in one multiple regression? Maybe using eta-squared? What ...
DiplG's user avatar
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Is kernalized linear regression parametric or nonparametric?

We know that for linear regression, we can predict: $$\hat{y} = w^Tx +b$$ Where $w$ is the parameter that minimizes the square loss. It is easy to prove that for the final solution using gradient ...
Ibrahim's user avatar
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Prediction of regression coefficients with XGBoost

I am doing survival analysis. There is a dataset of items (id, group_id, observed lifetime, censorship status), each item belongs to a certain group. Each item is ...
KOLANICH's user avatar
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Gaussian Processes: advice on proper optimization settings for simple model?

I am trying my hand at Gaussian Processes with GPflow (basically using this basic example as my guide), and am experiencing difficulties fitting some basic periodic data which I generated. My code: <...
Coolio2654's user avatar
3 votes
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Rank ANCOVA is a bad idea?

I am currently working on a project looking at the best way to handle missing data (such as quality of life) due to death. One approach is to use categories/ranks for the outcome, where death is the ...
Dan Jackson's user avatar

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