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How to show $\sup_{x\in [a,b]}|f_n(x)-f(x)|=O_p(\sqrt{\frac{\log n}{nh}}+h^2)$ when the kernel $K(\cdot) $ is of bounded variation?

Consider the kernel estimate $f_n$ of a real univariate density defined by $$f_n(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}(nh)^{-1}K\left\{h^{-1}(x-X_i)\right\}$$ where $X_1,...,X_n$ are independent and identically ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Why is histogram density estimation nonparametric?

My understanding of histogram density estimation: For $k$ predefined equal-width bins $(b_0, b_1], (b_1, b_2], ..., (b_{k-1}, b_k]$ and $n$ observations $x_1,...,x_n \in (b_0,b_k]$, we estimate ...
fin's user avatar
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Expected value (and variance) of a Dirichlet Process

Suppose I have a measure $G$ that follows a Dirichlet Process, $$G \sim DP(H_0,\alpha)$$ where $H_0$ is some base measure. Is there a closed form solution for the expected value of $G$?
dogs4ever's user avatar
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Is density estimation the same as parameter estimation?

I was studying parameter estimation from Sheldon Ross' probability and statistics book. Here the task of parameter estimation is described as follows: Is this task the same of density estimation in ...
tail's user avatar
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Bias of kernel density estimator of pdf $f$, where $f$ has bounded first derivative $f'$

Let's say the kernel density estimator is given by $$\hat f(x) = \frac{1}{nh_n} \sum_{i=1}^n K\left(\frac{X_i-x}{h_n}\right),$$ where $h_n \to 0$, $nh_n \to \infty$, $K$ a symmetric probability ...
Phil's user avatar
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Kernel Density Estimator: Misunderstanding in Taylor Series and the bias of KDE [duplicate]

Let's say the kernel density estimator is given by $\hat f(x) = \frac{1}{nh_n} \sum_{i=1}^n K(\frac{X_i-x}{h_n})$, where $h_n \to 0$, $nh_n \to \infty$, $K$ a symmetric probability distribution ...
Phil's user avatar
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How to prove symmetry of a Uniform kernel?

I am trying to prove this kernel is valid, $$ K(x) = \frac{1}{2}I(-1 < x < 1) $$ So far I can integrate to 1, but how do I prove $$k(x) = k(-x)$$ Also, how do we satisfy that k(x) is $\ge$ 0 for ...
user359211's user avatar
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Optimal rate of convergence of nonparametric density estimators

Suppose that $X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n$ forms an independent and identically distributed sample from some $d$-dimensional probability distribution with unknown probability density function $f$. Let $x$ be ...
lmaosome's user avatar
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histogram vs. kernel in density estimation

Assume we have a problem of estimation of a density $f(x)$ over an interval $[0, 1]$. Can a regular histogram (i.e. with equal-sized bins) be viewed as some kind of a kernel?
ABK's user avatar
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Extraction of modes from a multi-modal density function

I am trying to extract modes from a multi-modal density function and not just peaks. For example, in the two density functions below (images), I would like to extract the curves contained in the black ...
curiosus's user avatar
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Convex hull version of density estimation (or lines of constant density)

Background: So I had a thought, tried it out, and liked what it did. I'm sure someone else has done this. It feels very convenient. It also gives an interesting take on robust nonparametric density ...
EngrStudent's user avatar
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Building a classifier using Parzen window

Considering the application of the Parzen window method to model a probability density function in a binary classification problem, and assume a training set where the 4 points {−5, −1, 1, 5} belong ...
AfonsoSalgadoSousa's user avatar
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Why might the functional form of a distribution be "inappropriate" for a particular application?

Working through Bishop's Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning(a great read so far!) and on page 67 he says: "One limitation of the parametric approach is that it assumes a specific ...
stochasticmrfox's user avatar
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Unexpected zero on posterior density of Dirichlet process mixture

I was reading this notebook from the PyMC3 documentation about Dirichlet Process Mixtures and, on the last figure, the estimated density reaches almost zero for a particular value, despite the ...
PedroSebe's user avatar
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Derivation of k nearest neighbor classification rule

One way to derive the k-NN decision rule based on the k-NN density estimation goes as follows: given $k$ the number of neighbors, $k_i$ the number of neighbors of class $i$ in the bucket, $N$ the ...
diegobatt's user avatar
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Is a non-parametric density estimation required for a bimodal distribution?

How to approach the following two cases is clear, I am mentioning them to set up my question. (Case 1): For data that appears to be a Gaussian distribution, we can assume the distribution is Gaussian ...
ManUtdBloke's user avatar
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How Parzen window density estimate $f_n$ converges to f

I am trying to understand how Parzen window density estimate converges to actual density function f(x).[Actually i am trying to learn machine learning on my own using available free resources. Please ...
Nascimento de Cos's user avatar
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Usefulness of MISE

I'm currently in a class on nonparametric smoothing, and, while talking about density estimation in general, the professor introduced the notion of MISE (mean integrated square error): $\text{MISE}\...
CLL's user avatar
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Is it appropriate to examine the density plot for time series data?

Usually we use time plot to examine the behaviour of time series data cause it reveals the chronological characteristic. Does it make sense that one looks at the data distribution using some non-...
Seymour's user avatar
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Convergence of kernel density estimate as the sample size grows

Let $X\sim\text{Normal}(0,1)$ and let $f_X$ be its probability density function. I conducted some numerical experiments in the software Mathematica to estimate $f_X$ via a kernel method. Let $\hat{f}...
user269666's user avatar
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What is the resulting distribution of a data set that was originally normally distributed but has been quantized and had all negative values removed?

I am trying to benchmark a seasonal forecasting model and calculate not just the point forecasts but the forecast densities from the model. To do this, I generated a simulated data set in the ...
Akaike's Children's user avatar
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Expected value and variance of KDE

I need to find the expected value and variance of KDE given that $$(i) E[u] = 0 \to \int u\phi(u)du=0\\ (ii)V[u] = \sigma^2 \to \int u^2\phi(u)du=\sigma^2$$ where $\phi$ is the kernel function. I've ...
thenac's user avatar
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Difficulties with orthogonal density estimation

I am working on an implementation of an orthogonal density estimator, using the basis $$ \psi_0(t) = 1, \quad \psi_{2j}(t) = \sqrt{2}\text{cos}(2\pi j t), \quad \psi_{2j+1}(t) = \sqrt{2}\text{sin}(2\...
chris75's user avatar
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Properties of Kernel Density Estimators

Given Let $X \in \mathbb{R}$ be a real-valued random variable with theoretical probability density function (pdf) $f(x)$ and corresponding cumulative distribution function (cdf) $F(x)$. Let $X_1, X_2,...
inkalchemist1994's user avatar
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Credibility evaluation - how to model conditional continuous density from multiple variables of various types?

I recently got dataset for 37000 households with declared income and a few dozens of other variables of various types: continuous, discrete, binary. The task is to automatically (unsupervised) ...
Jarek Duda's user avatar
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Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz Vs. KDE fractional convergence

The DKW bound says, roughly and under very general assumptions, that the empirical CDF of $n$ iid samples of a random variable $X$ converges to the exact CDF of $X$ exponentially with the number of ...
Amir Sagiv's user avatar
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Closeness of 2-parametric discrete distributions when first 2 moments are matching

Let $\mathcal{D}$ be a particular 2-parameter uni-variate discrete distribution family, and let $D(\theta_1, \theta_2) \in \mathcal{D}$ be one particular distribution from this family, where $\theta_i ...
Abhiram Natarajan's user avatar
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What are some of the common techniques for density estimation?

I'm trying to estimate the probability density function of a real random variable given its iid realizations. What are some of the standard techniques to do this? One method I have heard of is the ...
Richard Simmons's user avatar
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Leave one out cross validation in kernel density estimation

I am taking a look at : Where they define the following loss function for kernel density estimates $$J(h) = \int \hat{f_n}^2(x)dx -2\int\hat{f_n}(x)...
user2879934's user avatar
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Estimating the gradient of log density given samples

I am interested in estimating the gradient of the log probability distribution $\nabla\log p(x)$ when $p(x)$ is not analytically available but is only accessed via samples $x_i \sim p(x)$. There ...
jkt's user avatar
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Optimal bandwidth selection in conditional density estimation

Consider the situation that we are estimating a $d$-dimensional density (with suitable regularity conditions) using kernel density estimation, [Method1,conditional density estimation] We can proceed ...
Henry.L's user avatar
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Scaling up the bandwidth for kernel density estimation

Suppose I have $(\mathbf{X}_1, \cdots, \mathbf{X}_n)$ from a multivariate distribution $f$. The multivariate KDE is \begin{align*} \widehat{f}_\mathbf{H}(\mathbf{x}) = n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^{n}K_\mathbf{H}(...
Tom Chen's user avatar
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Nonparametric density estimation, individual probablities

Consider the problem of doing nonparametric density estimation using kernel density estimator in the common form $k(\frac{\textbf{x} - \mathbf{x_{j}}}{h})$, $k(\textbf{u}) = \begin{cases} 1 & \...
Martin's user avatar
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Density estimation for points regularly spaced on a grid? Infer spacing between pdf peaks?

Due to a fundamental characteristic of the data, points are clustered together on a 1-D grid-like structure with equal spacing. Plotting these points in a histogram shows a pdf with several ...
ShanZhengYang's user avatar
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Density estimation for large dataset

I have a unidimensional data set with more than 1000000 observations. Assuming that those observations are independent realizations of the same random variable I need to estimate the underling ...
Mur1lo's user avatar
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Learn a distribution from distributions on samples [closed]

There's many good ways to learn a distribution $p_X$ of an r.v. $X$ over $k$ symbols given many i.i.d. samples $X_1,\ldots, X_n$. The simplest is to use the sample relative frequencies $\hat{f}_X$ as ...
chausies's user avatar
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Literature on nonparametric density estimation

I am about to write my bachelor thesis about non-parametric density estimation, especially kernel density estimators and their application in classification. As I am quite new to looking for academic ...
Matt's user avatar
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Where is density estimation useful?

After going through some slightly terse mathematics, I think I have a slight intuition of kernel density estimation. But I am also aware that estimating multivariate density for more than three ...
lovekesh's user avatar
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Fast multivariate unimodal density estimator

I have a sample $\boldsymbol{x}_i$ for $i$ in $1,\dots, n$, from a $d$ dimensional density $f(\boldsymbol{x})$ and I would like to estimate this unknown density. In addition I know that $f(\boldsymbol{...
Matteo Fasiolo's user avatar