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Der_Reparator's user avatar
Der_Reparator's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
Telerik RadGridView insert new row MVVM
The System.Windows.Interactivity package is deprecated. Use Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf instead. There is also no need for two namespaces (i and ei above). Instead, just include the Behaviors namespace in your XAML.
WinForms AcceptButton not working?
In addition to setting the button's DialogResult, I also needed to change the display method of my Form from .Show() to .ShowDialog() for the ESC and ENTER keys to work properly.
Android stream check if noneMatch not work
In my testing, your code works. What exactly "does not work" for you? What input gives you a different output from what you expected?
Neo4J OGM MappingException: Field with primary id is null for EMF class
added some proposed solutions from other sources that did not work on my end.
8 Queens problem array size doesn't work after 30
@Turtle Yes, that's the answer. The type of algorithm @DeadSilent is using happens to become unbearably computationally inefficient at around N=30.
8 Queens problem array size doesn't work after 30
I cannot confirm the behavior in REPL. For N=29, it does take a few seconds and prints the answer. But for 30 it does not crash - it just takes a very long time (around a minute for me). I tested 31 and 50 as well but that took too long.
Implement uml Graph in Java
@Christophe yes, you're right - the final modifier is not fitting to the given model. I still think the aspect about initializing the cost of each material in the constructor (expressing that it is required to be set validly) is a noteworthy feature.
How to check if digit is at specific place in combination with other regexes
One small correction: the password should contain a digit only at the 6th place. So you should change .{2,}$ to \\D{2,}$
How to check if digit is at specific place in combination with other regexes
@WiktorStribiżew your Regex has the same problem. replace {6,}with {2,}to match passwords with length >=8
How to check if digit is at specific place in combination with other regexes
Your Regex does not match Passwords with length >=8 but with length >1+3+8=12!
How to display data to a JtextArea in java with exact text alignment same from the txt file
Okay, please try out my suggested fixes and comment again if those don't fix your problem.
How to display data to a JtextArea in java with exact text alignment same from the txt file
So you enter the text in a JTextArea, save it to a .txt file by using the above formatting String and then you load it back into the JTextArea but with the worng alignment?