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RobM's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
194 votes

Capturing Groups From a Grep RegEx

130 votes

Resolving a Git conflict with binary files

99 votes

Exposing a port on a live Docker container

75 votes

How do you echo a 4-digit Unicode character in Bash?

64 votes

Is it possible to attach a console into a running Python process?

44 votes

Writing a list to a file with Python, with newlines

39 votes

Leaving tmux scrollback in terminal (iTerm2)

21 votes

Sending the command(s) spawned by xargs to background

13 votes

iTerm2: quick download over SSH using CMD+click

9 votes

Android Studio SDK Managed Disabled

7 votes

Leaving tmux scrollback in terminal (iTerm2)

7 votes

How can I debug the bash prompt?

6 votes

Python mmap 'Permission denied' on Linux

6 votes

Python doctest: Skip entire block?

5 votes

How to change word recognition in vim spell?

4 votes

Git rebase branch with all parent branches (or dependent sub-branches)

4 votes

Remove data from RRDTool

4 votes

haproxy - unable to load SSL private key from PEM file

3 votes

Where can I find the list of Docker format template variables?

3 votes

How to auto-update SSH agent environment variables when attaching to existing tmux sessions?

3 votes

Jenkins Docker Pipeline override working directory

3 votes

window.onmousewheel in Firefox

3 votes

Leaving tmux scrollback in terminal (iTerm2)

3 votes

Fix history of a remote git-svn branch that is missing its branch point

3 votes

Change MySQL innodb_buffer_pool_size at runtime?

3 votes

Query CPU ID from Python?

2 votes

Is there any way to get python omnicomplete to work with non-system modules in vim?

2 votes

How do I treat an integer as an array of bytes in Python?

2 votes

RegEx for replacing and adding attributes to an HTML tag

2 votes

How to set up gateway of public network in vagrant