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Juan M. Elosegui
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
113 votes

"Process with an Id of #### is not running" in Visual Studio

91 votes

Where's the NuGet package location in ASP.NET Core?

21 votes

git fetch origin --prune doesn't delete local branches?

18 votes

Add business days to date in SQL without loops

15 votes

How to show just the date and not date and time in a WPF datagrid?

13 votes

ASP.Net C# AssemblyInfo Version Not Working

12 votes

How does NuGet decide whether to use local package cache or not?

7 votes

Inspect WCF Messages in the Callback direction?

7 votes

How to check whether a system is big endian or little endian?

6 votes

Newtonsoft JSON ShouldSerialize and inheritance

6 votes

"ORA-01012" error message when trying to connect to an Oracle database

5 votes

Unity Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation, Version=

5 votes

Why is WinHttpHandler causing "Unable to load DLL 'api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll'" on production server?

4 votes

SqlDataAdapter - combine stored procedure and Select statement with parameters

4 votes

MVVM ViewModel Cascading Properties

4 votes

MapRoute or MapHttpRoute in MVC WebAPI

4 votes

How do I get intellisense in app.config for a custom section?

3 votes

Google Maps Business Priority

3 votes

How can I view raw SOAP information sent out on the wire using WCF Trace Viewer?

3 votes

SqlDependency.OnChange is not firing with filter on datetime column

3 votes

How do you checkin files as part of the build in Visual Studio Team Services?

2 votes

In MVC how can I return to view and dislay an error message based on database condition?

2 votes

Custom validation unique property - generic classes

2 votes

Binding WPF ListView to Dictionary<string, int> only updates on the first change

2 votes

Object reference is required for non-static TextBox

2 votes

How to aggregate over one property while summing another?

2 votes

How to verify Signature Value using cert file in C#?

2 votes

Binary Search with List in c#

2 votes

How do you create a nuget package in a TFS post build script?

2 votes

Cannot find service module info file '*/roslynRemoteHost.servicehub.service.json'