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Jim's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
4 votes

Feeding HOG into SVM: the HOG has 9 bins, but the SVM takes in a 1D matrix

2 votes

box2d: How to prevent a character from being able to jump in midair?

2 votes

Question regarding openCv

1 vote

How do I install psycopg2 on Azure app service Windows web app?

1 vote

JVM_Bind error when client socket is closed by the server and then new socket opened by the client on the same port

1 vote

Batch File Range

1 vote

MySQL: Out of range when copying data to table created using LIKE

1 vote

insert into database in a range time

0 votes

Automatically enable Named Pipes & TCP/IP protocols SQL Server 2008 R2

0 votes

Using third-party library in py2exe single EXE file

0 votes

How to align the x-axis of a line and bar plot in one figure?

0 votes

How can I stop a program's input loop only if it receives a special input?

0 votes

Updating an Eclipse Android project via Git - image resource not updating

0 votes

How to make a batch file that lets you use cmd after?

-1 votes

Unshelve to a new changelist from command line