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Prid's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
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40 votes

@angular/material/index.d.ts' is not a module

34 votes

Save a Stack Overflow post

21 votes

Iframe in Chrome error: Failed to read 'localStorage' from 'Window': Access denied for this document

12 votes

Setting background-image using jQuery CSS property

6 votes

Using Github Desktop, I have a branch; How do I get LATEST code from MASTER?

6 votes

Set custom height for Ngx Editor

6 votes

Is there a natural language parser for date/times in javascript?

5 votes

Test-Path -Leaf meaning

4 votes

Quasar Q-Table how can I get the filtered or sorted rows?

4 votes

Access-Control-Allow-Origin on chrome extension

3 votes

How to delete a variation from a Woocommerce variable product in php

3 votes

Bootstrap 4 right Column on top on mobile view

2 votes

How to use focus() on QButton (<q-btn>)?

2 votes

Splitting long commands with caret (^) not working with Piping (|) in Batch file

1 vote

Using attr(data-icon) property to display unicode before element

1 vote

How to programmatically create a Variable Product using existing Product Attributes

1 vote

How to restart CSS Animation with minimal impact

1 vote

Converting humanized strings to dates moment.js

1 vote

transform: translateY(-50%) causes 1px jump/shift in IE and EDGE

1 vote

How to move my div element up with hover effect

1 vote

Is there a better way to fix my AS2 preloader?

1 vote

How can I hide dataset labels in Chart.js v2?

1 vote

How to display all posts in WordPress?

1 vote

What's the difference between html[lang="en"] and html:lang(en) in CSS?

1 vote

Object of class DateTime could not be converted to string

1 vote

PowerShell (x64) stops working after trying to download EXE files (Windows 7)

1 vote

Mithril: how to use multiple root elements?

1 vote

How do I get the current date and time in PHP?

0 votes

php gd imagecreatefromstring() and image mime type

0 votes

how to get the first and last days of a given month