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Stephan Eggermont's user avatar
Stephan Eggermont's user avatar
Stephan Eggermont
Owner at Sensus
  • Member for 15 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
177 votes

What's the Hi/Lo algorithm?

43 votes

Which is faster, Hash lookup or Binary search?

43 votes

Version control for Smalltalk / Seaside?

22 votes

Why does Objective-C use YES and NO instead of 1 and 0?

16 votes

Should I use unsigned integers for counting members?

16 votes

When is an agile iteration considered complete?

16 votes

How can I pair socks from a pile efficiently?

14 votes

Are there any good open source smalltalk implementations?

13 votes

Squeak or Pharo for the beginning Smalltalker?

13 votes

How to teach Object Oriented Programming - Any idea where to start?

13 votes

What are five things you hate about your favorite language?

11 votes

CMS versioning strategies for content

11 votes

Is Seaside still a valid option?

11 votes

Very large collection in .Net causes out-of-memory exception

10 votes

Creating PDF Invoices - Are there any templating solutions?

10 votes

Prime number calculation fun

10 votes

Representing sparse integer sets?

10 votes

Abstract class memory management in Cocoa

9 votes

Rehash: Accounting Software Design Patterns

9 votes

How would I port this delphi 7 prog to .net (C#)?

9 votes

What is so special about Smalltalk?

8 votes

Source of data for "official" country/region list

8 votes

Smalltalk public methods vs private/protected methods

8 votes

How Exactly Do You Build A GUI Application in Squeak

7 votes

Why shouldn't I use PyPy over CPython if PyPy is 6.3 times faster?

7 votes

Code theft prevention - Chaperon or anything similar

7 votes

What is "unbounded dynamic polymorphism" in Smalltalk

7 votes

Best Practice in Delphi Rapid Application Development in term of Reusability

7 votes

Does Seaside scale?

7 votes

Which one is better framework for Enterprise level JS programming - jQuery or Prototype and why?

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