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yglodt's user avatar
yglodt's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

How to enter the text into 'textarea' tag using selenium?

1 vote

Set java.util.Date to beginning of the day

1 vote

Retrieving the servlet context path from a Spring web application

1 vote

How do I set the JVM properties of an executable Spring Boot jarfile?

1 vote

Google line chart with triple y-axis

1 vote

Cron Expression is not working for last day of the month

1 vote

Making Asynchronous calls from a Spring controller gives error

1 vote

Finding a way to parse multi-type JSON field

1 vote

Drools : Tool for generating .drl files or XML based rule content

1 vote

Reading an embedded H2 database

1 vote

Opencms webdav not working

1 vote

Strip whitespace from jsp output

1 vote

Components for Java application

1 vote

Spring security and special characters

1 vote

Creating PostgreSQL array types like "text[]" using JPA (EclipseLink)

0 votes

Spring boot static files load slowly

0 votes

Localization in Polymer?

0 votes

iron-ajax to only make request if url parameter exists

0 votes

Pebble app installation failed

0 votes

Checking if a User's Input is in Range and is an Integer (Java)

0 votes

Optimize/Index Timezone Query

0 votes

Polymer paper-tabs click event?

0 votes

GPIO pin listener in PI using java cause a burst of action event

0 votes

Learning OpenCMS

0 votes

Integration of Java application with OpenCms

0 votes

Preferred OS for hosting Tomcat servlet container

0 votes

OpenCMS session without cookies?

0 votes

Export OpenCms' article to Wordpress

0 votes

How to disable submit button in jQuery if form fields have not been modified?

0 votes

Contenload taglib in opencms 8.5.1