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  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
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6 votes

Angular Material - Mat-Dialog - change background blur / darkening effect

5 votes

404 Error on page refresh with Angular 7, NGINX and Docker

5 votes

Current selected value in angular6 material mat-selection-list

5 votes

Spring Boot: Use Hibernate Session in a unit test

5 votes

Run a Java Application as a Service on Linux

5 votes

Spring @Scheduled annotation random delay

5 votes

Why put JSP in WEB-INF?

4 votes

How to display <form:errors> outside <form:form> in Spring?

4 votes

How can I get the current view-state id of a Web Flow inside a JSP?

4 votes

Javascript to remove spaces from a textbox value

4 votes

How can I reset a paper-dropdown-menu in Polymer so nothing is selected?

4 votes

.zip file downloaded as f.txt file - springboot

4 votes

Video Codec for all major browsers

4 votes

Why is my Spring @Autowired field null?

4 votes

How to build srcset attribute with Thymeleaf

4 votes

ModSecurity: Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). When using "multipart/form-data"

3 votes

Ignore JSON deserialization if enum map key is null or unknown

3 votes

javax.persistence.Entitymanager: remove() method

3 votes

ngFor using ngClass on rows and columns issue

3 votes

Elegant way to get Locale in Spring Controller

3 votes

Using PostgreSQL hstore for i18n

3 votes

Options for creating a mobile version of a website running on OpenCMS?

3 votes

OpenCms 8 language support

3 votes

Spring Boot application as a Service

3 votes

How to use SchedulerFactoryBean.schedulerContextAsMap with javaconfig

3 votes

Better way to prevent browser caching of JavaScript files

3 votes

Programmatically restart Spring Boot application

3 votes

Is it possible to detach Hibernate entity, so that changes to object are not automatically saved to database?

3 votes

Convert a Result Set from SQL Array to Array of Strings

3 votes

settings spring @cacheable to cache for 10 seconds