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Questions tagged [polymer-1.0]

User this tag for questions specific to version 1 of Google's web components library, Polymer.

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0 answers

Is there any other way to add unit test for Polymer 1.x component apart from Web component tester?

I have a polymer 1.x component written in a .html file, <dom-module id=“create-layout"> <template> <input role="widget" name=“years” value="" autofocus ...
Swarnadipa Choudhury's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Polymer1: addEventListener for Notify Not Working as Expected

I am trying to call window.addEventListener on my custom behavior however im not having any luck getting it to work. test-bahvior.html <script> "use strict"; window.MyTest = ...
yush's user avatar
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1 answer

Get Element out of Shadow DOM or use styles of main site

I'm working in a project which uses Polymer (still on 1.7, we'll relaunch using a different technology instead of upgrading...) and I'm supposed to check out the possibilities to make it work together ...
S. Parton's user avatar
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3 answers

How to add asterisk symbol in required Field

I have to add asterisk symbol(*) on required field how can I do this in polymer . <paper-input id="firstNameText" required label="First Name" ></paper-input>
Satyam Kumar's user avatar
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Polymer 1.x: Incompatible with native web-components?

(tl;dr - yes. However Polymer 2.0 is not and is an easy upgrade.) I am trying to migrate an old front-end code base away from polymer 1.11.3 (webcomponentsjs 0.7.24) to native web-components. However, ...
user14375540's user avatar
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Splitting HTML imports into two separate files , imports on 2nd file are not loading

My code is like this , index.html <link rel="import" href="ele/applaunch.html"> <link rel="import" href="ele/applaunch2.html"> applaunch.html <...
Chandan Kumar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to call attached() callback in polymer programmatically?

I have multiple polymer components. Inside attached callback of each component, I perform variable initialization and function definition. Based on a button click, I want to re-initialize variables of ...
Dificilcoder's user avatar
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Custom created toggle switch in Polymer1.0 doesn't work for more than one instance

Imported Polymer (1.0.0) and created a custom control which toggles and display text based on toggle value whether it is enabled or disabled. When I use this element more than once the text is ...
Dificilcoder's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Polymer1.0 app-router not working. Routing is not happening

This is the index.html file. By default, this page is rendered initially. Then I want to navigate to other pages. But that's not happening. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>...
Dificilcoder's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Chrome 80 polymer TypeError: Cannot read property '__proto__' of null

My Chrome is updated to Chrome 80 version.Then My site doesnot work gives below error: My app use Angular 5, My bower.json: "webcomponentsjs": "webcomponents/webcomponentsjs#0.7.0", " vendor....
Muhammed şahsuvaroğlu's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to write if conditions in .attr using d3 js

I have created two if conditions inside the function but it is taking only one if condition and returns that. I need to execute both if conditions at same time or how can we write condition before ....
MandaliVenkat's user avatar
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Focus outline breaking on right side - not wrapping element fully

Using Chrome.... anyone know what is causing the focus blue line to break on the right side? There is no element pushing outwards to cause this.
dman's user avatar
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Polymer ignores mouseclick after typing during 3 seconds

I have two inputs: <input class="input" id="first" type="text" placeholder="this is first input"> <input class="input" id="second" type="text" placeholder="this is second input"> If I ...
se_pavel's user avatar
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How to read this.$$('#startdate').value on WCT using polymer

I'm unable to read the value from this.$$('#startdate').value to WebComponentTest(WCT) startDate = this.$$('#startdate').value
MandaliVenkat's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Uploading images via dynamic input element not working on iOS

I am working on an app in which users can upload images to their profile. The following function is invoked when an event is fired from a child element. It dynamically creates an input element so the ...
ams-digital's user avatar

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